Penalty for Fake Car Insurance Card

access_time 23.08.22
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The government takes people driving without insurance very seriously. Insurance coverage is required in almost every state, and the penalties for driving without valid insurance can be harsh. Even driving without proof of insurance, even if you have insurance, can be an expensive endeavor. Using a fake insurance card can result in large penalties. Not only that, but a fake insurance card will not provide any coverage if you are in an automobile accident. Outside of high fees and fines for driving without car insurance, a person’s driver’s license can be suspended, or they could see jail time, depending on the situation.

Even more, driving without an insurance plan can result in massive costs. If you are found to be at fault in an accident, you will be held liable for the damages to the other people’s vehicles, as well as the medical bills of their passengers. Protect yourself by getting a valid car insurance plan. Many people choose to get the minimum limits for car insurance coverage simply so they are driving legally. These minimum limits can also provide some protection, however. 

Others choose to purchase more than the minimum limits required for car insurance. This provides them with more financial protection. Some types of auto insurance policies protect the person who is in an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Other policies will pay for a person’s medical expenses, regardless of who is at fault. Optional types of insurance coverage that are available include comprehensive insurance coverage, collision insurance coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, Personal Injury Protection, rental car protection, and there are others as well. Some people also choose to attach a roadside assistance program to their plan, in case they need their vehicle to be towed somewhere for repairs.

Fake Car Insurance Is A Crime

A person who is driving without the minimum limits for car insurance required by the state, which can include liability insurance coverage, UIM coverage, and Personal Injury Protection, depending on the place, are committing a crime. Heavy penalties exist for people who are driving without insurance. People who are using fake insurance cards can face even more penalties than those driving without insurance. If the police stop you, you will be required to show proof of insurance.

People who fail to provide proof of insurance as required could have their driver’s license suspended. A person’s car registration can also be suspended in this case. Fines and fees are other penalties, as is jail time in some situations. In general, penalties go up for people who are repeat offenders. Fortunately, once your legal issue is resolved, you will be able to register your vehicle again. In some cases, a person has a required amount of time their driver’s license or registration will be suspended before they can drive legally again.

Fake Car Insurance Doesn’t Protect You 

Even more important than this is that a fake car insurance card does not protect you. Most states will use your card to look up whether or not you have an insurance plan, so people who use them are caught at a high rate. Also, if you are involved in an accident, a fake insurance card will not cover any of the expenses that you could be liable for. This can result in you being sued for the money to pay for the damages. Many people driving without insurance find financial hardship if they are in an accident. Having an insurance plan is something most people hope they will never have to use. For people who do have to use it, it can be a godsend. Some states require people to buy no-fault car insurance, and others are at fault states without the same requirements. Either way, not having an auto insurance plan can be very costly.

Affordable Alternatives To Fake Car Insurance

This is why people want to look into purchasing a car insurance plan. Knowing the many ways a person can save money on automobile insurance is essential to saving money. Comparison-shopping is the top way for a person to keep more money in their pocket. Each company uses different formulas to determine auto insurance rates. By comparing quotes from multiple companies, you can find the car insurance companies that will charge you less overall. 

Another way to save money on automobile insurance coverage is to take advantage of discounts. The tools at All Insurance help you find the best car insurance companies in your area and the best car insurance rates available. Getting free car insurance quotes here can help you save. Make sure you are getting at least the minimum limits required for auto insurance. These minimum limits will allow you to drive legally in your state and prevent penalties that come from being pulled over. They can also be an incredible help if you are found to be at fault in an auto crash.

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